Friday, February 27, 2009

When It's Gone...

People always come and just go, some leaving traces behind in our lives,
some don't. It happens to everyone of us, where a person comes into our life,
brightens it, and just leave suddenly, but only on rare occasions they will stay on.
It really hurts us to know that this person who came into our life is slowly fading away
from us. To a point where it all ends.

I just came to realize that i m in the same situation. That special someone came,
made me a better person, but then just leave without leaving any traces behind.
It left a mark in my heart, that this person has made, and a very special one indeed.
It is only now that i realize it is slowly fading, and it will be gone, eventually.
Just like a magic show, where that special person would be the magician
and i am the audience, with her amazing me for that moment, and after the show,
everything returns but not the feeling. You'll know when it is starting to fade,

just like a flower wilting in winter......

Never Forget Them......


  1. Nth could stay on 4ever..
    Where there's a meet point,
    they'll b de endin point for sure ^^
    Tat's de beauty of life~!
    & it'll make us learn de word 'APPRECIATE'~!

    Since tat ur special sum1 manage to make u a better person, then u shud keep it up & dun let de special sum1 down~!

    De special sum1 will b glad to noe bout tis post~!

    Is touchin tough..
